What is the DOT Medical Examination?

The DOT medical examination is a physical exam that all Department of Transportation (DOT) truck drivers must pass to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and become employed. It is mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to confirm that the driver is physically able to operate a commercial vehicle safely.

The DOT examination will inspect the following:

● Vision
● Hearing
● Heart
● Back and spine
● Blood pressure
● Throat, mouth, and ears
● Lungs
● Urine

What Do You Need to Bring to the Exam?

To pass the DOT medical examination, you will need to bring the following:

● Medical records
● A list of all your health conditions, including the health professionals for each one
● A list of all medications you take, including doses and who prescribes each one

Specific instructions:
● If you wear eyeglasses, contact lenses, or a hearing aid, bring them
● If you have diabetes, bring the most recent results of a Hemoglobin A1C (HgAIC) test and your blood sugar logs or other relevant records
● If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine, bring a reading from your machine documenting your use of it and at least 90 days of data
● If you have a heart condition, bring a letter from your cardiologist that confirms you are safe to drive a DOT vehicle
● If you have experienced a stroke, brain tumor, seizure disorder, or bleeding in the brain, bring a letter from your neurologist of your medical history, current medications, and current neurologic and psychiatric state
● If you have any other medical or physical condition that may require additional documents, contact your physician or the DOT examination center prior to your exam.

What Should You Do to Prepare for the Exam?

To prepare for the exam, make sure you have completed everything your last physical examiner has ordered. If there are any vaccines or tests you were pushing off, be sure to get those done before the DOT exam.

Next, build healthy habits. Limit the amount of sodium you consume and exercise regularly as diet and physical activity often contribute to blood pressure. To maintain a healthy heart, refrain from smoking and get adequate sleep. Additionally, stay on top of your medication.

Lastly, visit your doctor if you need. If you wear eyeglasses, make sure your prescription is up to date and you can see clearly. If you’re experiencing back pain, visit a specialist to see if your spine is healthy enough to pass the exam. Review the list of inspections above and ensure that you are prepared for each one.